Saturday, November 18, 2017

Joining Generations: Camille A. Brown

Friday, December 8, 3:00-4:00pm
Geballe Room, Stephens Hall | UC Berkeley
In collaboration with Cal Performances

Join us for our second Joining Generations conversation with acclaimed choreographer Camille A. Brown. Learn about Brown's process creating BLACK GIRL: Linguistic Play, the second part of a trilogy (Mr. TOL E. RAnCE and the forthcoming ink) exploring culture, race, and identity. In BLACK GIRL: Linguistic Play, Brown uses the rhythmic play of African-American dance vernacular including social dancing, double dutch, steppin’, tap, Juba, ring shout, and gesture as the black woman’s domain to evoke childhood memories of self-discovery. Ms. Brown will be in conversation with Prof. Brandi Wilkins Catanese (TDPS and African-American Studies). Free and open to the public.